We have discussed kratom at length, from its benefits, to its risks, to the complex political environment surrounding it.

However, we have not discussed some of the common side effects of kratom. One of the most common is constipation.

If you’re wondering whether kratom causes constipation, the answer is yes, kratom does cause constipation.

Why Does Kratom Cause Constipation?

There are a few reasons for this common kratom side effect.


First, kratom dehydrates you. Among kratom users, the importance of drinking a ton of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty, is well-documented.

Water, of course, is essential for everything. You can’t live without it. It’s also important for a well-functioning digestive system. Water and fluids are a lubricant that helps your digestive system flow smoothly.

After taking kratom it’s common to have dry, hard bowel movements as a precursor to constipation. That’s a sign that, when you take kratom, you need to focus more on your hydration.

Kratom is an Indigestible Leaf

The second reason is that kratom is hard on your stomach. It’s a dried leaf that’s crushed up, so it’s kind of like eating leaves. If you remember from high school biology, leaves contain fibrous polysaccharides that humans can’t digest. Cows can, but we can’t. That’s why we don’t normally eat leaves, and it’s why kratom is hard on the stomach and messes with our digestion.

If you have a weak stomach and are interested in kratom, we recommend looking into extracts. Instead of getting the whole leaf, you’ll just get the active alkaloids. For more info on extracts, check out this article on the best kratom extracts.

Mitragynine Depresses the Central Nervous System

Coffee is known for making you poop. This is partially because caffeine stimulates the nervous system, and speeds up processes like digestion.

Mitragynine is to kratom what caffeine is to coffee. Except it’s a nervous system depressant so it has the opposite effect. It will slow down digestion.

This is helpful in many instances. In fact, if it weren’t for this, most people wouldn’t take kratom. It’s what blunts the pain receptors and gives kratom its pain-relief effects.

However, it’ll also slow down your digestion, which may lead to constipation.

How to Improve Kratom-Induced Constipation

Now that we know how kratom can lead to digestion qualms and constipation, what can we do to prevent it?


Talking about hydration is cool these days. We’re not going to rehash all the strategies about carrying around water bottles and stuff like that.

If you take kratom you need to hydrate.

Because you’ll be drinking so much water, you may also need to add electrolytes like sodium and potassium to that water. If you listen to podcasts, you’ve heard of these hydration supplements, but you can also just put a pinch of sea salt in your water.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating your fruits and vegetables will help keep your digestive system moving. This is also just important life advice

Manage Your Kratom Use

Most problems with kratom arise when it’s overused. If you take kratom and it leaves you constipated, that’s a sign that you should ease back on the dose.

If you aren’t a regular kratom user, start with a small dose.

Get it From a Trusted Source

A lot of kratom out there is crap, and even contaminated with other substances. Make sure your kratom is third-party tested and ideally certified by the American Kratom Association.

Use a Laxative

You can also turn to a laxative, whether that’s a magnesium supplement, or mineral oil. You won’t want to depend on this on a regular basis, though.

Are Some Kratom Strains More Likely to Cause Constipation Than Others?

As we mentioned, regular kratom may lead to constipation more than extracts. But within strains, it all comes from the same leaf, so indigestion differences will be negligible.

However, the mitragynine content may vary between strains. This isn’t even so much about the strain as much as it is about each batch. The point is higher mitragynine content will slow down the nervous system more, which will slow down digestion.

Again, it comes down to managing your kratom dose.

Take Constipation Seriously

While it may just seem like it’s something uncomfortable, you should take it seriously. If you’re a regular kratom user and you deal with it on a regular basis, you in particular need to take a close look at your bowel movements.

Chronic constipation can cause everything from hemorrhoids to anal fissures (ouchy.)

More on Kratom

We have written extensively about the potential benefits, risks, and controversies involving kratom.

So check out our catalog of kratom articles.